Is there an award for Software Engineers?

June 24 2010

In my full time job as a programmer, which I undertook whilst still a uni student, I was on paid under the Clerical Award.  This entitled me to the following, which was followed to the letter:

  • Paid $10.18/hr
  • 38 hr week
  • 30 minute lunch break at 12:00pm and a 15 minute break at 10:00am
  • RDO once a month
  • Holiday leave loading at 17%
  • Overtime as worked

I needed the cash to fund my Uni, so I wasn't complaining (out loud), but inside I wondered how a programmer, with their expected level of skill can be put under the Clerical Award.  Reading through the award and how to pass through the levels (there are four) to more pay, I found if I could work without constant supervision I could progress to Level 2, once the required years had passed.  That was awesome, and I moved up to $13/hr by the time I was in 3rd year.

Needless to say when I got my first real job after graduating, I was put on a salary.  I wondered though, what were my rights and should I have an award to base those rights on?  -- It might be relevant to mention that in the previous job I wrote membership software for Unions, so I was pretty up to speed with the whole Award thing --.

Now, a decade later I have the answer.  I'm working my way through a Management degree and my current assignment has me investigating Awards.  Here's what I've found:

  • Information Technology Industry (Professional Employees) Award 2001 - AP812692CAV, and;
  • Professional Employees Award 2010 - PR988777

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