Dynamics CRM 2011 Server Installation–The instance name must be the same as computer name

July 29 2011

I’ve spent the last couple of days installing Sitecore and Microsoft Dynamics CRM onto a VPS (Windows Server 2008 R2) and I came across a rather annoying problem.  During the system checks part of the installation of Dynamics CRM 2011 I was getting the error message ‘The instance name must be the same as computer name’.


I googled and came up with the following to rename the instance.

sp_dropserver 'oldservername'
sp_addserver 'newservername'


However, that didn’t resolve the issue.  Eventually I run SQL Profile to see what was going on.


Running SELECT @@servername I could see the result was (NULL).  A bit more googling and it turns out I need the following:

sp_addserver 'newservername', local


And then a restart of the sql server service and all was good.

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